and the prinz goes to... CANADA!!!

Le mie foto

mercoledì, agosto 31, 2005


hi everybody! this last post is to say thanx to all of you and to give you appointment to the next adventure of the prinz of the cowboys that will be...

sabato, agosto 27, 2005

the return

as I told you the return was hard. in fact we left vancouver at 15.oo local time by bus and reached calgary at 06.00 local time. we had our plane at 12.45, so there was nothing left for us to do than wait 6 hours at the airport. just the time to have a light breakfast with benedict eggs: eggs and bacon drowned in a so called hollandish sauce... anyway we survived to this task and took the plane on time. at the airport we could admire the artwork you can see in the pic: doesn't it look like a paladino horse? we flew for almost 9 hours and landed in frankfurt at 06.00 local time. the prinz mobile was waiting for us and took us home in 4 hours. it was the 24th of august.

Million Dollar Hotel

as I promised here you get a pic of the Million Dollar Hotel where we stayed in vancouver.


hello everybody, sorry for not writing any new post for so long but the return was long and hard. let me first say hello to the 3 new entries by the comments: the good ol' frank, the graf (il conte) and the mythical cicerchia. unfortunately this 2 last friend doesn't speak the same language and they can't understand each other, anyway the graf says hello to the platterbse (in german means cicerchia, sorry I don't have an english translation, but who doesn't know him from his brave deeds?). by the way, today I wanna introduce a hot topic. as you may see in the pic this toilet bowl has an extremely high level of water in it. this is not a peculiar case in canada, but it's normal there. I know you are all perturbed because aware of what sort of floods may cause this sort of instrument in some extreme cases. well let's hope not to see something like this in the old continent!

lunedì, agosto 22, 2005

bye bye vancouver

that's all for today folks! tomorrow we leave vancouver, the hometown of alessia's favourite bryan "bruno" adams:-) we'll jump again on a greyhound bus to... curious again? greetings to everybody, especially to the new entry iris from the "big cream castle"! and where's peppons? how are the fab 4... fab 3 doing in edimburgh? I can't forget anyone of you all, so ciao a tutti!!!

anthropology museum

my friends, I would have never thought that the native peoples' art could be so beautiful. we were tempted to buy some artcrafts as souvenirs, but I have to admit that as a good ol' romanI thought that a small totem in my bruxelloise tent could represent an ill omen... well I'm not superstitious, but you never know!!!

pacific ocean

and here we are: the pacific ocean! we're sooooooooo far from home. we're not coming back again... eheh a joke of course we'll be back for the galliwood festival:-)


buonasera a tutti da vancouver!!! here you have some pix of this very beautiful town. we spent here 3 days and there's still so much to see. the place where we are staying looks a bit like the million dollar hotel! I have to remember to make a pic of it too:-)

sabato, agosto 20, 2005

next stop...

and this is the next city of our trip seen by the plane. if you wanna know more stay tuned:-) ciao a tutti, especially to daniele&olimpia for their lovely comments. see you all in galliwood? by the way, frank are you still alive after the wine festival?!? bye bye

gold panning!

here there are our heroes at gold panning at the bonanza creek, claim no. 6!!! do you think we found any gold nugget? we'll see at our return... even if we return!!!

the spell of the yukon

... gold fever has caught us too...

fire in alaska

a terrible fog welcomes us in dawson city, as you may see the sun is obscured by it. at first we think it was the dust coming from the digging for the gold search. but the dawsoners tell us that a big fire is burning the forests in alaska. no one is trying to estinguish it because they say it's the nature's cycle and they help the biodiversity. as a european cowboy I'm a bit astonished because on the way to north we saw entire landscapes destroyed by old fires. anyway lifecycle goes on here in the yukon.

giovedì, agosto 18, 2005

dawson city!

and here we are: dawson city! the heart of the gold rush. in this city came the most rich duck in history: uncle scrooge, zio paperone! I advise you all to read "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" by Don Rosa. for the italian readers "La Dinastia dei Paperi". und fuer die deutschen: "Onkel Dagobert – Sein Leben, seine Milliarden". pour les francaises: "La Jeunesse de Picsou". and now the cowboy is the last of the pioneers! tomorrow starts the gold fever 2005:-)

tough cowboy

parked the car the cowboy walked until he reached his goal...

five fingers rapids

we saw wonderful landscapes like the five fingers rapids on the yukon river. we wanted to get there where many people in a recent past (100 years ago) came looking for fortune...

on the road again

hello! how are you all doing? today we rented a car and left whitehorse direction north! this is the klondike highway. we drove for more than 500 km.

martedì, agosto 16, 2005


now you are ready to know where we are... in a city called whitehorse in the yukon province! we are staying in a place that looks really like a saloon! but fortunately guns are not allowed. I mean fortunately for the outlaws present there, because the italian cowboy has an easy trigger!!!

in the picture you can see the legendary river yukon where at the beginning of the XXth century (just 100 years ago!) lots of people searched golden nuggets! let me confess you that I'll try too:-) our trip doesn't stop here, tomorrow we leave this base of cutthroats and... curious? stay tuned then! now I go to wash my throat with a couple of whiskies. ciao a tutti!

way to north

hello everybody! this is the prinz of the cowboys again! first of all I want to wish a happy birthday to my friend daniele!!! then I want to tell ciao london!!! grande lucia, I thought you were already in scotland and so I want to add ciao edimburgh!!! now it's time for me to tell were I am... well let me just tell you that alessia and I left jasper on the rocky mountains and traveled by bus direction north for 45 hours!!! I hope you'll enjoy this sample of pix of the trip.

domenica, agosto 14, 2005


and now we are in jasper. tomorrow we leave again direction north. we will travel for more than 2000km to whitehorse in the yukon territory!!! who knows? maybe we'll find a gold nugget. ciao ciao

athabasca glacier

on our way we passed near the athabasca glacier (300kmq), that gives water to rivers that end in 3 different seas!

route to jasper

at 16.15 we took the bus to jasper (256km). we drove through the highway 93. the driver said it's the most scenic route of the world, that's not far from the reality!


another friend we met on the track. hi squirrel:-)

lake agnes

here we are at the lake agnes (2134m) with 2 italian friends patrizia & andrea, with whom we shared the day and the walk. ciao ragazzi, e' stata proprio una gran giornata, a presto!

climbing cowboy

and this is the brave italian cowboy near a waterfall. no one dares so much!!!

lake louise 2

believe it or not the color of the lake is very similar to this!!! it looks like mint+milk, a drink that I like sooooooooo much:-)

lake louise

hi everybody! here you can see your 2 heroes on the lake louise (1831m). this was the first stop on the way to jasper, where we are now! we moved from banff this early morning by bus to lake louise (56 km). here we decided to go for a walk around the lake...

sabato, agosto 13, 2005

biking 3

and this is the italian cowboy riding his trusty metal horse at the johnson lake! don't worry peppons alessia is fine and she eats more than ever!!! tomorrow we leave banff and start our way to the north. ciaoooooooooooooooooo

biking 2

and what about the minnewanka lake? this is an artificial lake beneath which lies a small town funded at the end of XIXth century. sorry, I didn't dive into it to take a pic of it:-)

biking 1

hi everybody! today alessia and I rented 2 bikes and went for a ride around banff (25km...). this is the first of the wonderful lakes (cascade pond) we saw. great isn't it? and what about the prinz?!?

venerdì, agosto 12, 2005

banff 1

and this is the prinz of the cowboys from the rocky mountains! how beautiful here and how hard: I climbed a just 300m high hill and my legs hurt soooooo much! and one more time a steak for dinner, but the bill was ok! peppons you don't know what you are missing. grande frank, unfortunately this year I won't join you for the wine festival:-( it won't be hard for you to drink a glass of wine for me! ciaoooooooooooooooooooo


REWARD 1.000.000$

giovedì, agosto 11, 2005


and this is the first american... canadian steak to satisfy the prinz`s appetite! you can never have enough, I want another one:-) the cicerchia should have here his wedding dinner:-) but beware of the advice on the wall!!! and beware of jessie, the waitress who tried to capture us 10$ with the bill! hello brux, hello italy, hello greece, hello germany, hello france, hello spain, hello scotland, hello mexico, hello usa, hello everybody: ciao a tutti! see you soon from the next stop on the rocky mountains!!!

devonians garden

this incredible covered town has also a covered garden! the devonians garden are a big greenhouse hosted in the 4th floor of a skyscraper. there are also birds inside!!! and the gold fishes are as big as salmons:-)

calgary 1

we walked again inside the mall and took the c-train (tram) to the university, just to have a view of the city from far. the city, with all its tall buildings and the calgary tower looks great and modern.

canada 2

and this is the first pic of the prinz in canada!!! but let me tell you about the first day: alessia and I left yesterday at 07.35 from frankfurt and flew for about 9 hours, how many turbulences (...)! as we arrived (at 09.00 local time) we first thought to have landed in brussels, because a grey, cold and stormy weather welcomed us... in fact the temperature yesterday was around 8 deegrees! we took a bus and got off downtown under the rain. it was here that we discovered something unusual. well here in calgary (as far as I know also in edmonton) you can cross the center of the city without going out on the streets... in fact the center is an entire mall (centro commerciale) and almost all the buildings and skyscrapers are connected by bridges and passes. so we walked safe and dry for half a hour until the limits of the centre and then to our hostel. we left our backpacks and went out again to discover the city...

canada 1

hi europe! hi everybody! this is the prinz from calgary, canada!!! this is the first leg of the on the road-on line vacation of the prinz2005, that will lead your hero on the track of the gold rush. the goal of the trip is yukon, in the far north of canada!!!

lunedì, agosto 08, 2005

great news

and now I can really leave!!! forza Roma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

giovedì, agosto 04, 2005

1. mex

ciao a tutti! manca sempre meno alla partenza. ancora gli ultimi preparativi e acquisti e poi via!!!